Ultimate Athletics was founded in 2015 by Lisa Campbell. Locations include: Dubai International Academy, Dunecrest American School, Zayed Sports City Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Cricket & Sports Hub and New York University Saadiyat.

As an national competitive athlete from the UK, I am absolutely passionate about Track & Field! We are not a multi-sport provider. Athletics is it! The name 'Ultimate' reflects my goals for the academy, as being THE final destination for everything encompassing best practices and professional provision for athletes, namely:

  • Expert coaching from former and current International athletes from U.K, USA , Africa and N.Z.
  • Grassroots Athletics through our fun and energetic Tots programmes.
  • Multi-events Youth Sessions, in all track and field disciplines.
  • Specialized sessions for Teens and Adults with expert coaches for each discipline.
  • Elite sessions, 1-2-1 private Training, technique correction and analysis.
  • Monthly Ultimate Racenights, events, workshops.
  • Summer Camps, Volunteering opportunities.


Registration With Ultimate


Ultimate Tots is a fun session aimed at ages 3 years old to 6 years old. With several different coaches in this energetic class, the tots will do a circuit based on running, jumping and throwing, the core disciplines in athletics.

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Ultimate Tots


Ultimate Youth is a Track and Field session aimed at ages 7 years old to 12 years old. In these sessions the athletes will be further split into groups according to their age and abilities and will experience multi-events, sprints and middle distance training.

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Ultimate Youth


Ultimate Teens is a specialized Track and Field session. We have professional coaches for short and long sprints, middle distance, hurdles, high jump, long and triple jump and the throws. The coaches will guide you in the right direction based on initial assessments.

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Ultimate Teens


Ultimate Adults can choose to specialise in sprints, middle distance, high jump or hurdles. With our professional coaches. Whether you are an elite athlete, sportsperson wanting to improve your speed, improving your endurance for your next race or simply after a new sociable sport to try!

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Ultimate Adults

Awards & Partners


Upcoming Events & Camps


Summer Camp

Summer Camp Aug 12th - 23rd 2024. Read More

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Ultimate Racenights

Upcoming Season Dates Read More

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